Photography Friday~ Barn & Garden pics

We spent a few days in the village this week. It was peaceful and beautiful. Food fresh from the garden fills our stomachs. Going to the back of the house is like visiting the produce section of the grocery store.

Our seedlings are growing well. I have done a good bit of weeding, and it is nice to see the progress! They got a bit of a parasite and we have to give them some  medicine. Soon they will be all better. Lots of tender loving care is going into raising these babies just like with the Munchkin.

One afternoon, I got a decent break from motherhood and retreated to the barn loft with a cup of tea. The smells of hay and drying grains kept me company.

Old roof tiles stacked and ready when needed.

And even though I was enjoying the break from my little one, my mind went to her as I looked at the vines hugging the barn beams like my Munchkin hugs my legs.

The loft was quiet, not even the sound of the chirping chicks below made it up the narrow  barn stairs.


The “stairs” are little more than a latter with double rungs and a rail. But they do the job. What a great place to have as a retreat.

Soon enough the sound of my Goldilocks brought me back to reality. Baba had gone up to the rooftop terrace to show the Munchkin where I was.

Then it was back to the grind… 😉

Munchkin Monday is back

The little monster has gotten over her first cold and terrorized us slightly. She has been wanting to stay up all night. We put the kibash on that and quick. After a few days of carefully planned naps and fun in the village with Grandma, Hvala Bogu (Thank God!) She is sleeping through the night again.

She is learning so much. She understands both English and Serbian. Her speech has kinda stopped. I think learning two languages at once has her a little confused.  She still babbles on like she is having a conversation and when she laughs my heart practically burst with joy.

Dancing is one of her favorite things to do. She gets so excited to hear music. The smile that lights up her face is as catching as a yawn.

Her temper is just as quick as her smile when she is tired. When she doesn’t want to be set down and needs a nap the tantrum sets in like a little storm. I carefully set her on the carpet and let her go to town while I make her milk. These storms pass quickly. (Now.) I  know later we are in for some slow moving hurricanes with this one! Scary.

When she is tired of being indoors, she brings us her shoes or ours. She loves going out to play, swing,

and cross the town bridge over and over. She walks back and forth with no regard for bicyclist or larger beings who are in her path. scooching her out of their way is a SIN and must be punished with slight flailing and looks that kill. The bridge has few of the locks of love that are so in fashion here in Europe. The munchkin loves to play with the chains and clank the locks.

I love the bridge too. Numerous frogs sing in chorus and rounds, and the view is nothing less than beautiful.

Sometimes when we are out on walks we get lucky and run into friends. That is nothing less than joyous for me and the Munchkin.

I could get a cavity watching her play with her friends. So Sweet!

Water is a source of joy for all children (and many pets) and I am learning to use that toy/tool as a source of a break from the craziness. The other day I put a basin on the linoleum with just enough water to splash in and she was happy to play alone for 15 minutes! Win!

On the other had her love of water can be a little interruptive? Just the other day I was giving my self a mini pedicure. The foot bath I had going was so cool, I got a visitor. and was ousted! I had to give up and strip the munchkin down… But who could be mad at this little face?

In conclusion. I must say I am crazy about this little water creature.

Dobar Dan!

Happy Mother’s Day MOM! I love you

A pic of your last baby girl from your first

Today, back home it is Mother’s day. This post is written for my awesome Mommy. I love you and I wish I could celebrate with you.

This week has been super busy with lots of trips to the village. It really reminds me of childhood in Hannahville, PA. The iris, tulips, trees, and more are all a bloom.

The fields are being worked for the harvest come fall. the tillers are ripping up lots of weeds and we are removing the rest.

blooming wall of rock

I went out yesterday to take a pic of all the flowers blooming about the rock wall and discovered this.

Mating Snails!

There were three sets of mating snails at the base of the wall not 2 feet apart. Kinda kinky, huh? Nature is surprising and intriguing all the time. just like when I was a kid.

Yesterday the hubby and I got to work in the field together trimming pesky seedlings planted by fallen cherries. Milan helped me to learn how to drive the tractor. Not a difficult task, but something that will take a few more lessons to learn. with the strange gear shift and all the brakes… well all two. 😉 still.

The long shadows of the end of the day make me tall. Something only a set of heels does otherwise.

Working in the fields is a pleasure for me. Mama got to take care of the little tyke while I explored the great outdoors with the hubby. so many treasures. New flowers and plants I have never seen before! some familiar ones too.

I found this lovely nest nestled in the ground among the weeds.

Tiny speckled eggs, that will soon hatch tiny baby birdies.

The days work also brought the joy of finding a little shack at the edge of a stream below the fields. The shade of the trees and the air coming of the  stream creates a natural air conditioning system so welcoming after working in the sun filled fields.  Mosquitoes are the only downfall of this respite.

Close to the shed there is also a necessary room, that sets atop the creek.

and not far away is a little bridge that traverses the creek to other fields that lay nearby.

The bridge was used later to get to the tractor in a neighboring field. There was one more field to fertilize on the way home.

Then we went home to our little baby and Baba.

Our little rockstar was all tuckered out after the long day.

We send you lot of warm wishes and hugs and kisses on this special day.

Dobar Dan

Whatever Wednesday~ Easter Feast pics

Easter in the village is so much less formal than I have known Easter to be. Mind you, there are formalities. Just different ones.

Family Sets up the “picnic” under the pavilion, Neighbors wander in. There weren’t as many people as I thought. It must be an invite only kind of thing?  I don’t know.

There is tons of food, wine, and beer waiting to be consumed. The table is lined with the closest family and friends and the ceremonial bread is broken.


Wine is poured into the four crevices cut into the cake like bread. Probably to symbolize the four places Jesus was pierced with nails.  Now it is like a communion bread and wine all in one. Pieces of the bread are passed around to everyone. Incense is burned, candles are lit and food is eaten. Not all in that order. 🙂

Lighting the incense, saying a prayer. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

Everyone is lined up to light their candles by the Ancient cross.

The candles they will light are a soft wax. If you hold them in your hand too long they wilt like a flower and face down. Easily remedied by straightening them out.  and letting them cool a bit.

I had to get a pic of this lady with the kerchief tied behind her head. If that outfit doesn’t scream fortune teller. I don’t know what does. But this is just her choice of clothes for the day.


The cross is  the closest thing to a church in the village. There is a church a village or two over, and then the one in town. There are lots of these crosses all over. One might be hiking through the forest and find an old abandoned cross like this from another lifetime in Serbia. The  writing on the cross is in old Cyrillic. I can’t read it.

People eat. Children get restless. Beer, cigarettes, and conversation flank the table. Children find ways of amusing themselves.

washing their hands over and over, playing in the water.


Taking walks


Learning and playing the egg tapping game for the first time.

Happy Easter from our family to yours.



Whatever Wednesday~

The little munchkin is getting to know all our village pets well right now. Animals are here favorite things in the world right now, beside Mom (Me). She gets so excited to see, touch and play with them.

We have been in the village often lately. Slowly the leaves are sprouting, green is spreading like wildfire!

The farm work has been keeping the man of the house pretty busy. He has been replanting seedlings that were dug up from the orchards. This was a few days ago,  now the field is filled with these little buggers. In the fall, once they have developed larger roots, they will be replanted in the orchards.

Here, Papa is trimming the roots so they will easily drink up the water and nutrients provided by the drop by drop system. Little munchkin is busy playing along the little brick wall. She is really enjoying her trips to the village.

And here comes Mama to give Papa a break. He is A LOT slower than she is. LOL He can’t keep up with the demand. But then, Mama trims the roots like she is giving them a buzz cut. Half a dozen of one and six of the other, right?

Dobar Dan Y’all!

Munchkin Monday

A walk in a Fairy Tale Village

Last week we went for a walk in Vasilj, a little village not far from town. The initial reason to meet an expat like myself lives there. That didn’t happen, but the village was so quaint that I was thrilled we had come.

The Munchkin was thrilled to make the acquaints of some house cats and two adorable miniature Doberman Pinschers that played in an ancient school playground.

The old school playground and building looked mostly neglected.


The Schoolhouse gate

School house windows with paper snowflake cut outs

We were accompanied on the village trip by a friend of the Muz who’s father was from the village. It was lovely to have him as a tour guide.

SONY DSCNot only did he love on Millie, but he picked us some early spring flowers. The lovely white Visi Baba or Snow Drops as they are called in the English speaking world. I have seen those same flowers on each of the visits here in Serbia, but this time I discovered they are hiding the most beautiful upside down green heart that rests in the shade of the white petals.

The village was filled with gorgeous old homes. Sadly, it was an overcast day, so the pictures aren’t as glowing as they could be. Next time I will go on a sunny day when there are leaves on the trees. That day is not long off. Already, blues skies are more prevalent than they have been in months!! Yippee!

One last pic to make this a Munckin Monday post.

The little one enjoying a well deserved drink after a long day.

Happy Birthday Munchkin

this was just the tip of the iceberg!

This is a continuation of the Blog Yesterday that began the epic story of the Birthday party.

No babies drank any alcohol in the making of this photo

There was a ton of food to be had. The men wasted no time beginning to partake. The girls took their time but eventually caved. Thank God, because I wanted to eat and didn’t want to look like the pig I am. No time for that anyway. Little Munchkin duties call way to often for  a real binge to take place.

I can’t get over how cute these little piglet breads are!

I finally made a Ginger Bread Train for the Munchkin to enjoy looking at. She hasn’t got enough teeth yet to munch on the candy. Thank you, Nicole for sending it! It was a hit. Not something you see here in Serbia! Great gift!

The Ginger Bread Train

Just as I was about to snap the picture, the Munchkin reached for the train. She’s a quick one!

The traditional Birthday song was sang with a lit candle. I don’t know it yet, but give me time. Here is a link to the song on youtube.

The party moved from the kitchen to the living room and then to our bedroom. I missed the photo-op, but at one point a bunch of kids were jumping on our bed. I would call the party a success since the kids felt so at home.

The Big Cousin fishing of the bed with a jump rope and Munchkin looking for the fish.

I think everyone had a great time. I am super glad it is over, now I can sit back and relax a bit. Though today is the actual BDay, so I will light the candle again on top of a cupcake and sing Happy Birthday in English this time. And skype with family at home. 🙂

Tomorrow the festivities will be concluded with the last birthday hurrah. We will go to the village for a small family celebration. There is still that roasted piglet Papa wanted to bring to the party that needs to be eaten. I am not a fan, but it will be a good opportunity to get some fun cultural pics! The Munchkin’s first roasted pig will be about the same size as her! LOL

I can’t believe one year ago today I was in the hospital “enjoying” the effects of an epidural as I pushed the Munchkin out. If you are interested in that story you can click on the link below. The U.S. experience is far different from the Serbian one. And for those of you who think you cannot feel the contractions during an epidural, I could. I just didn’t have pain. No brainer there! Thank you Epidural! Hello Munchkin. 🙂 There are no gory pics. and I think it is a rather tame account if you are wondering.

If you are curious what it is like to stay in a Hospital in the U.S. you can check out my blog post about that here:

Thanks for stopping by.

Dobar Dan

Mama’s Home!! 365-36

The old and new ambulances

The old and new ambulances

Mama has come home! She has been in the hospital for two weeks+ after stomach surgery. I am glad she has come home.

The door to her wing of the hospital. You can tell it has seen better days.

The door to her wing of the hospital. You can tell it has seen better days.

You can see on the picture above there is no smoking, but many people go just outside the exit door to smoke leaving the door propped. The entire hall still smells of smoke and pollutes the rooms.

The door is like all the others in the hospital. The handle is about to fall off and has been fixed numerous times. One must be careful when opening and closing the doors.

The private room for doctors to have a rest and a bit to eat.

The private room for doctors to have a rest and a bit to eat.

The doctors sink and coffee making shelf. Always gotta have a shelf like this in Serbia. Seriously

The doctors sink and coffee-making shelf. Always gotta have a shelf like this in Serbia. Seriously

Mama will stay with us for a while. The stan (apt) is better thank going back to the village for recuperating  The bathroom and bedroom is all on one floor and the heating is regulated. She won’t get cold here and need to get up and put wood in the stove. AND Millie will get some quality Baba time!!

I took these photos with the good camera on one of my many visits over the last two weeks. Both Mama and Great Grandpa have been there for the last week. I have been meaning to post these pics.


In celebration of Mama’s homecoming, I made American pancakes with a new recipe I found online. I m excite how they turned out. They are like my grandma’s!! Oh Joy!! Everyone else liked them too. I made some plain and the  bit I added cinnamon and fresh diced apples.

an ancient gurney still in regular use

an ancient gurney still in regular use

Grandpa is still in the hospital recovering from a heart attack. He is doing well, I think. He is his usual Oscar the grouch self. Visiting him is much more a chore. I loved going to see Mama. She is much more of an Elmo type personality. Sweet and loving.

Hopefully he will go home soon. Home is always best!

Ktown and village pics 365-9

Yesterday, I had a nice stroll in the morning and  then in the evening. I took a few pics.

Cat, Shadow, and Graffiti

The wild kitty was enjoying the sun on a cold winter day. I walked around town and when I got back. Kitty was still there. He likes that spot.

Our Furry Family

Yesterday, I caught our kitty up on the table. He isn’t allowed up there, but following orders isn’t his strong suit. Kinda like Garfield. The two of them are like a Serbian Garfield and Odie. On a few levels.

Mama and the Munchkin checking out the animals.

Millie loves seeing the animals. She could watch them for ever. She gets so excited when we see them as they run to our car. Immediately she starts grunting and leaning down to touch them. True love.

The little monster is in need of a nap now. and I must go.
One last pic for the day.

Pavillion in the park

The park is still lit for the holidays. I love seeing the town lit up with strings of lights along with bells and snow flakes to make it seem festive. Lights add to the sweet ambiance this town has.