About Cao Mila

Sharing my view of the gorgeous Balkans, one post at a time.

Grandparents or Babas and Dedas

This past year, I lost my own Grandma in the U.S. I was home just before she died. I was able to spend some time with her at the table during my family reunion.  I was so tired from traveling, I didn’t savor the moments as I should have. Now, words cannot express how much that time means to me. She passed a couple of weeks later. 

 January 18th was her birthday. It has been six months since she closed her eyes for the last time. Her quiet strength never proclaimed her triumphs except those of Bingo. 

I wish she had told us of all her accomplishments. I wish she would have shared her troubles and her problem-solving skills. I would have liked to have learned so much more from her. She bore seven children. That is a serious accomplishment. Our Christmases and gatherings were grand. Full of laughter and so many kids. 

Grandmas and Grandpas in Serbia may be your grandparents, great Aunts, or Uncles. They may also be no relation at all. Just old people you know. I love that the tender name can be bestowed on any aged person. 

I had my own Grandpa Lowry, no relation, yet dear to us. But that custom is less common in the U.S. than in Serbia and beyond. 

Here in Serbia, I have had two dear ones. Deda Tole was my favorite Serbian Grandpa. We lost him to Covid. He reminded me of my Grandpa Wice. He was strong, loving, and capable. I felt at home with him and his wood-burning fire. His cats would hover close to the stove. He gave me fresh eggs from his chickens in the empty paper bag sugar comes in. He showed me love with his yummy boiled potatoes. I remember another time we sat around the table shelling walnuts for a little snack. I miss him a lot. 

Baba Ljubitsa was a dear great-aunt of my husbands. She lived down the patched road from his grandparents. She was so generous and thoughtful. I am sad that I knew so little Serbian when I met her. I understood nothing. But I would visit her every chance I got. For some relationships, words are not necessary. This was one of those. I felt so happy when I visited her.

Each time I walked down the hill to visit, she made coffee and took pictures to show me her/our family. She told me all about them. Maybe she thought I understood or maybe she just wanted me to understand. I didn’t understand Serbian, but I could comprehend. Funny how communication works. Sometimes the meaning transcends words. I wish I could go back to hear it all again.

I still have a lovely neighbor Baba, her name is Olga. I love visiting her and her fur babies. We always have a wonderful time chatting over coffee or playing games. She has even taught me how to make sarma. She is a gem.

Hug the ones you love! Enjoy your Grandparents while you have them.

Life in Serbia

Hey All, I am expanding my reach using videos! I have decided to join the TikTok craze to share my expat life and experiences. Here’s a link to my latest. I will tell you all about Hlada Vina! Feel free to like, comment and subscribe! https://www.tiktok.com/@t.party.english.club/video/7282742594675789062?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7256741476024436229


Last evening I embarked on a new adventure. I am endeavoring to make homemade apple cider vinegar or jabukovo sirće.

 I scavenged the lawn under our stick-skinny apple trees for the fallen fruit. Seriously, these non-branching trees are like an inbred family tree. 

I washed and cut up the apples and added them to a 10-liter plastic baby barrel. I added water and sugar. Milan added one plum to add some natural yeast. 

I will stir it for two weeks and await the sweet harvest. I am so excited! Homemade ACV. I am shocked at the new things I learn and try in this new country. Serbia hasn’t forgotten the old ways. I am grateful to be a student of this raw land.

Wish me luck! I am a little nervous!

Dear Serbia

Dear Serbia,
Thank you. 
Thank you for helping me realize who I am and what more I could do and become. I am constantly evolving through the inspiration this new land has given me.  

As I look back, I can see how living in Serbia has changed me. The changes occurred slowly over time, but they are HUGE!

Serbia has inspired me to write. Before I came to Serbia, I was never inclined to record my thoughts or experiences. Now, I am inspired daily by the culture, nature, and my experiences. I could write a book on the inspiration Serbia has given me. 

It was always on my mind to teach English, and my first attempt was abysmal. After taking a course giving me the tools and education I needed, I began to teach. 

Becoming certified to teach has opened many new doors. I am always using my bachelor’s degree in intercultural studies and social sciences in tandem with my teaching certification. 

Continuing to learn more and expand my teaching abilities with new training is important to me. Thank God for the internet and all the schools online! I want to become a great teacher.

After almost four years and thousands of classes, I am in love with teaching. I have taught children as young as two up to retired folks. My students have come from around the world and I am enjoying every minute. It is thrilling to meet new people and help them reach their goals.

Teaching was always in my heart. I began when I was in elementary school. I was probably eight years old. My little sister was lugging around stacks of books. She was aching to learn to read at the age of 4. I opened my old school books and taught her the alphabet.  Then I taught her to read and write. I also taught her the simple math I knew at the time. 

She was a sponge. She learned everything very quickly. When she began kindergarten, she was immediately bumped up to first grade.

I know that it wasn’t my parents that did the teaching. My mother had a severe learning disability and didn’t learn to read until I finished high school. 

My father worked a lot. On top of that, I would guess he has Asperger’s syndrome from the way he acts socially. He was never diagnosed. Both of my parents loved us all and gave us a great deal of love and care as parents should. As a result, I am without a doubt, I was the educator. 

My teaching didn’t stop there. At about the same time, I was taking gymnastics. I was excelling. I loved it more than anything else! During recess, I would teach the girls in my class the things that I learned in gymnastics class. I would perform the new things I had learned on the grass or on the bars and then have the girls who were interested in learning, line up and I would teach them what I had learned. I had forgotten all of this until just recently when thinking of my teaching journey. 

Serbia has helped me to see the gift and realize my potential. I am energized by helping others learn grammar and improve pronunciation. 

Recently I even tutored a student in China; she went on to pass tests that allowed her to work in the U.S. She has since been offered a position at a firm in New Jersey! My heart bursts with joy because of her success! 

Because of Serbia, I see with new eyes and I hear with new ears. I listen slowly to grasp the meaning of Slavic words. Learning the Serbian language and all the cultural beliefs and traditions have changed my brain to some extent. I have a long way to go with the language, but I am looking forward to becoming fluent.

Living in Serbia has given me the most amazing new friends. The people here are so kind. I was blessed on my first visit to meet a few women who have become the dearest of friends. I cherish their friendship, understanding, and the things they have taught me. I am incredibly grateful for their forgiveness for the mistakes I have made. There have been so many!

Lastly, I am grateful for the inspiration Serbia has given me to begin painting. The barren cinderblock walls of our barn invited me to begin.  One summer day I started with watercolors. Flowers soon were blooming inside the barn. I gathered more courage and began to paint the front of the barn. 

One day I was feeling incredibly alone here in the village.  I wanted to cheer myself up with a bit of sun. I chalked out an outline of a sun. The sun’s rays bolstered my desire to create. My ideas flourished. 

My painting journey has been slow. But now there is a large mural with a sun and moon. I am continuously thinking of new creatures to add. It is my magical wall. It is magical because it inspires me to do more and lifts my spirits. 

While none of these achievements are astronomical, they have helped me to evolve. Without Serbia’s inspiration, prodding, and even the heartbreaking challenges I have faced, I have so much to be grateful for. Thank you for your inspiration and your nurturing environment. I am continuing to grow and learn from you every day.

Teaching English Language traditional Holidays! St. Patrick’s Day Edition

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to ya! I am wearing green in honor of the day. Back home it is a custom and if you are caught without something green you are likely to get pinched!  I plan to eat some cabbage for dinner which is also a tradition. I may also have a swig of beer with the cabbage. We will see. 

Kiss Me, I’m Irish is a common phrase associated with St. Patrick’s Day. It often appears on T-shirts. It originates from the legend of the Blarney Stone, which is believed to bring luck and eloquence to those who kiss it. I have heard this isn’t a great idea as some Irish who are annoyed by tourists pee on the stone… Maybe it is more yucky thank lucky. 😉 

Today, I asked a student what he thought when he saw the Kiss Me I’m Irish shirt. He told me, “Maybe Irish people like kissing?” We laughed. I told him about the Blarney Stone. I also told him that in Serbia we kiss people when we meet three times on the cheeks. He said that is TOO MUCH. LOL  We laughed again. Sharing cultural traditions and holidays are so much fun! I love sharing mine and learning about others. This is the good stuff!

The Irish are known for their blessings. Here is a lovely Irish blessing for the close of my St. Patrick’s day post. May good luck be with you wherever you go, and your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow. May your days be many and your troubles be few, May all God’s blessings descend upon you, May peace be within you, May your heart be strong, May you find what you’re seeking wherever you roam.

Happy St. Paddy’s day y’all!

Below is an Engoo lesson on St. Patrick’s day if you are interested. 


My Dream Job

Lately, I have been thinking of having my own English school. I would love to have an Active, Inspiring, Inventive, Playful, INTERESTING English School. My school would not follow the societal norms of a language school.

This school’s education would be based on real English, not rules. It would be active, infused with nature, food, games, and emotional education.

My school would be to use things that the students young and old find interesting so that the classes engage and resonate with them.

I would love to use Pixar movies and other visually amusing subjects to discuss more challenging topics. Movies like this are chocked full of phrasal verbs, idioms, prepositions, and real-life English usage. The disguise of fun, relaxing entertainment can jumpstart the educational process.

I want to do monthly or weekly hikes that stimulate the brain and the muscles. I want to do group bike rides or rollerblading events. I want to teach sports and use English to do it.

I want to teach the students about sap, stems, seeds, pods, and lichen. Nature is one of the best teachers.

I would love to teach cooking with the English measuring system engaging the tongue with language and tastes.

I want to roast marshmallows on campfires, sing songs, play music, and dance.

I would like to do this all while instilling pride in the land the students are living in. I find many are not happy with our town Knjazevac. They don’t know what a gem they have. I want to show them the magic I see in the old mansion on the hill. The cheeses their grandmothers make, and the history they carry in their genes. 

I want them to be proud of who they are and what they are capable of. I want them to see the possibilities in their future, not feel like they are defeated before they begin. 

 This is just the tip of the iceberg. But here it is. This is my dream. 

English Cartoons and Children’s Literature as English Tools

When my daughter was a wee bitty and I was a bit isolated in the winter cartoons gave me the break I needed to get things done. Some were just trash, others were creative and educational. I will share the ones that we loved the most for other mothers of young ones with links for them on youtube.

My absolute favorite was Aquanauts. This is a scientific cartoon about animals from all over the world that live in the sea. The stories teach you and your child about marine life, pollution, geography, and much more. All the while you are listening to many different English accents from many English-speaking countries. This is a fantastic way to learn many new things at once. I HIGHLY recommend it!

The next cartoons are Peppa Pig and its sister show Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom. I am sure you have heard of Peppa pig. This is a seriously famous little cartoon with simple amusing art. The sister show is just the same with different characters. Both are fun-loving, puddle jumping, belly laughing, and adventurous. I didn’t mind hearing either one in the background of whatever I was doing.

Beyond cartoons there a MANY children’s books on Youtube that are educational, read by native speakers, and introduce books in a super fun way.

Here are two of my favorites.

Fancy Nancy has many books and adventures. Little girls love ❤❤❤ Fancy Nancy.

Pete the cate is another super fun book series that teaches a myriad of useful things with excellent artwork and EVEN music. I can’t get enough of this crazy cat.

Last but not least is one of my childhood favorites, Sam I am by Dr. Suess. I have read this book until I had each prepositional phrase memorized. It is a great way to learn so many English words and meanings.

I hope you enjoyed this list of goodies.
Please don’t hesitate to like this post if you found it helpful.
If you have Questions or Comments, please leave them below. I would love to hear from you.

Thanks for reading!

Smoking Kills or maybe just Mortifies

We all have embarrassing moments, I think I may have more than most. I make a lot of mistakes. But sometimes those moments are inevitable.

Let me tell you a very memorable story (for me at least) relating to language barriers and a prime example of “Why literal translation isn’t always the best translation. ”

Let me set the scene, I had just arrived in Serbia. I was having a coffee on the street as in the norm. I pleasure I relish here. I am sitting with my sister-in-law and her friends. ☕

My Serbian consists of the most vulgar words and phrases I learned from my husband and his friends.

Enter the kindest Serbian soul. 👼He joins the group and we are introduced. His English is limited, but he makes a great effort.

The kind soul politely offers me a cigarette. He literally translates the question from Serbian to English. “Do you suck?”❓ 😱

My mind reels!!! What does he mean? Why would he ask me that? What do I look like? Then it hits me. He is asking me, “Do you smoke?” 🚭

This is really funny now, but at the time, it was really disconcerting. These are the pitfalls of a literal translation. Be careful my friends.

Do you have a story to share? What mistakes have you or others made that make you laugh in hindsight? I look forward to hearing from you!

Jumpstart Your Year!

For the last 6 months to a year, I have become more tenacious about achieving goals.

I know I am not the only one looking for ways to BECOME better, smarter, wiser, and inspire others. 💪

👉If you are trying to improve your English, this can help you as well! It is an excellent multitasking opportunity. Watch and listen to these inspiring videos that will help you learn while you practice your English listening skills. Win/Win!

One of my favorite ways to learn is to watch Ted talks and educational videos on youtube. I take notes and post the most important things on a board beside my desk.

Recently, I have been a bit overwhelmed by the number of books I want to read, but I realized that finding the time to complete the list would put a dent in my other pursuits.

Then 💡 I realized I could find quality summaries from youtube videos. SCORE! ⚽

Here are two of the books I have been wanting to read. And the videos that have cut my learning time down to a fraction.

You can also look for other summaries that will help you hear the same tips in another way helping you to really grasp the concepts!

For the record, I still want to read the books, but NOW I can implement the wisdom of the books immediately. In turn, I will see personal improvements in my life in the next month rather than in the next year when I finally get around to reading the books. Huge win for me!

Without further ado, here are 3 videos to encourage, enlighten, and inspire!

Atomic Habits by James Clear 💣

The 5AM Club by Robin Sharma has inspired me to get up earlier and has helped me to achieve more each day. 🔥

One more! This video gave me a new perspective on rejection and resilience. What I learned from 100 days of rejection.

I hope this helps you. I found this video very enlightening. It’s funny too! 😂

I hope this has given you some wisdom and motivation. I had to share it because it really helped me to jumpstart the year. Happy New Year everyone!

The Ginger Bread House

For Christmas Eve I opened a sweet sacred box containing the walls, foundation, roofing, and decorations. I dug out my piping bag and mixed up the icing/glue that would hold it all together. The plan was to decorate and create some Christmas spiced memories.

The munchkin and I worked to build the house, holding each piece in place till the glue held tight. We worked to decorate each side and enjoyed a Christmas movie in the background.

Does anyone else feel like Hansel and Grettle eating the witch’s house when they break off a piece to eat?

Looking back I realized I could have done a much better job. I should have decorated some parts before constructing the sweet little home. I could have used less icing to make it. I learned that a bit of strategy and more rest would have made it more beautiful.

But most of all I learned that moving forward prepared me for a better plan next time. That the experience and memories made were enough. We had a great time. I hope we can do it again.

Beyond those great Christmas family memories, upon reflection, the gingerbread house taught me that with enough rest and strategic planning, and actually putting in the work, we can achieve a lot more than we think we can.

Lately, I have been working too much. Working too much makes us surprisingly less productive. If I stopped, planned, and thought about what I wanted more and found a way to those goals, I could do so much more.

So, here is to resting, planning, assessing, and, creating to achieve the goals I want to achieve.

I encourage you to rest, assess, and find out what you want to achieve, then make plans. Goals are just dreams without a plan.

Happy New Year to all.